Well, that's it, we are in Taiwan. After a long and, should I add, boring flight, we finally made it to the other side of the pacific.
The flight itself was relatively uneventful, with the usual lack of space but decent food. I think the highlight of those 12 hours was the fly over Japan in general and Mount Fuji in particular. This really was a beautiful sight. Amongst all those mountain range, isolated and alone (feels almost like the Lonely Mountain in The Hobbit), towering over the other peaks but still way below the floor of the 747, there was this cone-shape mount wearing a white hat of snow. It's only a pity that I did not have a camera with me. Maybe on the way back.
Taipei is hot, stuffy and smoggy as usual. There are people and cars everywhere, at all time. Although the city seems to have expended even further, it has not changed with that respect. I am supposed to have a view from where I'm sitting but let just say that there is no horizon line!
Jia-Hao lent me his camera so I'll have an opportunity to add pictures in the next few days.
More news to come soon.